Every teenager wants to save money but Saving money as a teenager is hard, especially when you have friends who are out buying new clothes and going on weekend trips. But it’s possible. There are many ways to save money as a teenager.
One of the easiest ways to start saving money is by using cash back apps where you can save money by shopping and earning money with sign-up bonuses and referral bonuses. Another way to save money is by setting up an account at your local bank or credit union to put some of your allowance or earnings into this account each week.
You can also check Bank sign-up bonuses to earn extra money while opening an account. Another option would be for parents to put aside some cash for college savings (they can use Upromise App) every month to give their teens for college spending throughout the year.

Parents can put a limit to allow kids to buy more oversized items such as movie tickets or video games without having too much leftover afterward (which may tempt kids into spending).
Saving your hard-earned cash is so important. You’ll need college money and your first apartment, and it’s never too early to start! Here are some tips that might help:
Start a savings account.
Start saving early. Many people have hard time-saving money because they feel like there is never enough, but if you start young and start small, it’s much easier to build up a sizeable sum of money.

Start small. Even if you only put aside $1 per day, that’s $365 per year or about four times what most people save in a year!
Make sure you’re getting an interest rate that makes sense for your savings goals. When choosing a bank for your savings account (and this applies whether it’s online or offline), look at the rates offered by different banks and choose one based on their interest rates and minimum balance requirements. Make sure there are no hidden fees as well!
Separate spending money from savings.
- Instead of keeping your spending and savings accounts in one place, it’s a good idea to keep them separate. This way, you can track how much money you’re spending without worrying too much about how much money is left to save.
- Keeping your savings account in a different place than your spending account is another way to keep track of what’s going on with your money. If the bank is far away from where you spend most of your time, then it’s harder for you to spend money when it’s not available—and that’s a good thing!
- It can be useful to have multiple cards for each type of spending: one for shopping at the mall or grocery store; another for buying gas; and another for buying food at restaurants (if this isn’t already included). That way, if something goes wrong with any one card—such as someone else stealing its personal information—then only one type of purchase will be affected rather than all purchases across the board being compromised by just having one card stolen by a criminal hacker trying out new hacking techniques before selling them off online later on down the road when they become valuable enough worth stealing again.”
Keep track of your purchases.
Keeping track of your purchases is an important part of being frugal. You don’t want to spend too much money and then have nothing left over at the end of the month, so it’s important to know how much you are spending to keep yourself on track. You can do this in three ways: 1) using an app or website that tracks your spending daily, 2) writing down all of your purchases in a notebook, or 3) using an app that tracks your spending for you.
Ask your parents.
You can also ask your parents for their advice and help. It’s not just about money-related issues, either; you could also ask them to help you with your spending or saving habits. For example, if you have a problem saying no to friends who are asking for rides, they could help remind you that it would be better if they drove themselves instead of relying on someone else all the time. Or maybe they’ll tell you some great ways to save on gas by driving less often and taking public transportation more often!
You might even want to ask your parents for their credit card so that in case of emergencies (or simply because you need some new clothes), it’s there as an option for purchase when necessary (make sure there aren’t any other rules against this).
You should never use this card unless absolutely necessary, though—for example, don’t buy something just because it’s cute or cool without making sure first whether or not it has any real function in terms of helping out around the house!
Do Housework
Housework is a great way to earn extra money, but it can also be a huge waste of time if you aren’t careful. Housework is the best way to make some quick cash because people are always looking for help with their houses, but it’s important not to let them take advantage of you.

You should only do housework for friends and family members or people who have helped out your family in the past (like babysitting). Otherwise, don’t do it! It might seem like an easy job since all your employer will expect from you is hard work; however, this can turn into a nightmare if something goes wrong during the project or if they want more than what was originally agreed upon.
Use your student ID.
As a student, you can save money by using your student ID to get discounts at restaurants, movie theaters, and stores. Most colleges have discount programs with local businesses in their area. Look for deals and discounts on your student ID card.
Some schools also participate in national programs such as the American Association of University Women (AAUW) or the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA). These organizations offer free discounts to students concerning textbooks and travel expenses such as airfare, hotels, and car rentals. Some colleges also offer health care plans through these national organizations that are discounted for students who participate in their school’s program.
Spend smart.
Spend smart.
There’s a difference between spending money on things and spending money on experiences, and it’s important to know the difference. The best way to save money as a teenager is not actually by saving money — it’s by buying less stuff in general. If you’re going to spend money, make sure that you don’t spend it on things that don’t matter or will quickly lose their appeal once they’re out of sight and out of mind (and maybe even after those two stages).
- Don’t buy things you don’t need. The most obvious example here would be clothes — if your wardrobe is already full of clothes that fit well and look good on you, then why do you need another shirt? You can get away with wearing the same three pairs of jeans every day (just wash them regularly), so why buy more jeans? When was the last time someone complimented your old black Converse sneakers? Wasn’t it just last week when someone told me I looked like a hipster because I was wearing them? What does “hipster” even mean anyway…
Get a summer job.
- Look for a job that you enjoy, or at least can tolerate.
- Make sure it’s legal, safe, and won’t take up too much of your time: You want to make enough money to cover spending and saving goals, but if you’re working too hard or it’s not fun, your quality of life will suffer as a result.
- Make sure you get paid: This should go without saying, but we’ve all heard stories about shady employers who never pay their employees—so check in with other employees and managers before taking on new work!
- Keep an eye on how much time the job takes up: If you’re going to be working 12 hours per day instead of the usual nine-to-five schedule, this could affect your schoolwork if not managed properly (and depending on where you live).
Pro Tip:
- It’s natural for teenagers to want fancy things like video games or designer clothes when they see them advertised online—but these items often cost too much money right now! If there isn’t enough room available within your budget, then maybe try waiting until later before making any purchases like this; this will allow you to save up enough cash first instead of spending everything today.
- There are plenty of other things besides shopping where we spend our money: eating out at restaurants or going out with friends costs us quite a bit each month – but luckily these activities aren’t only reserved for adults; teenagers can still enjoy them without breaking their budget! All it takes is some creativity! Instead of going out every weekend night like most high schoolers do today, why not host house parties instead? This way, everyone gets together without paying any admission fee whatsoever – plus, nobody has any excuse not to go because they don’t want anyone else to see them buying alcohol either! Or even better yet, invite over some friends who live nearby using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger, so no one has time constraints either way.”
Saving money as a teenager can be intimidating and stressful, but it’s definitely worth the effort because it helps you be prepared for the future.
It’s important to start saving money as early as possible. The earlier you start saving, the more time those savings have to grow and mature into something substantial. It’s also important to have a plan for your money: there are plenty of ways that you could use your savings account (or any other type of account) without spending every penny in it on candy or arcade games. You should make sure that your parents know about all of your financial plans and decisions so they can help guide you throughout this process!
If you want to make more money, it’s best to start now. If you have a few bucks saved up and are wondering where else you can cut back on spending, these side income tips should help.